Greening Games with a Multiplier Event at the CEEGS Conference in October 2023

Multiplier Event: “Greening Games Education.How to approach environmental issues in video game-related courses?”

On the 19th of October 2023, a dedicated Greening Games multiplier event took place within the framework of the CEEGs 2023: Meaning and Making of Games conference in Leipzig at the Macromedia University. The ME was organized by the following members of the Greening Games team: Sonia Fizek (TH Köln), Laura Frings (TH Köln), Andrea Hubert (Charles University), Lukáš Kolek (Charles University).

The participating speakers at the event:

  • Greening Games Team (in alphabetical order): Sonia Fizek (TH Köln, Germany), Laura Frings (TH Köln, Germany), Andrea Hubert (Charles University, Czechia), Lukáš Kolek (Charles University, Czechia)
  • Annakaisa Kultima (Aalto University, Finland) 
  • Conor McKeown (University of Stirling, Scotland)
  • Sebastian Möring (Macromedia University, Germany)
  • Gerald Farca (Macromedia University, Germany)
  • Mikhail Fiadotau (Tallinn University, Estonia)

The take-aways from the event:

  • Insights from the “Greening Games Education” report (
  • Sharing experiences from the classroom (teaching post-mortems and syllabi from Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln and Charles University) 
  • Impulse talks by workshop participants
  • Roundtable discussions on teaching methods, formats, challenges and best practices as well as the implementation of “green games” into existing game-related higher education programs

The leading questions that accompanied the participants:

  • What does it mean to teach “green gaming”?
  • What should the students know and what should their instructors aim for?
  • Should we as academic teachers focus on the capacity of games to inspire, raise awareness and change behaviours or is it more important to teach about ethically responsible sustainable game-making?

The full program may be found on the official conference website under the following link:

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