On the 8th of May 2023, Karoliina Koskinen from Turku University visited the town of Skövde in central Southern Sweden to participate in the network meeting of the Nordic Alliance for Sustainability in Gaming (NASG). Karoliina Koskinen presented the Greening Games project and its first result – the Greening Games Education Report. All the participants seemed very interested and keen to learn more about the research and didactic work conducted by our team. Karoliina’s presentation was followed by a guest talk by Lissa Holloway-Attaway and a game presentation by the students from the Skövde university, Edvin Sanne and Iris Casado Soler, who had designed a sustainability-themed board game. The two-day event was filled with talks and discussions but the participants also had plenty of time to submerge in the local scenery and walk through the local attractions, such as Varnhem’s Klosterkyrka, where they discovered old churches, skeletons and rune-engraved tombstones.